Logistics – Intelligent solutions and concepts

Our goal is to add measurable value for our clients – and thus make them more competitive – with holistic, innovative and intelligent, industry-leading solutions. Our ability to think and act from the customer’s perspective makes us a unique and valuable partner.

Personal responsibility and expertise – Our keys to success

The continuous development and refinement of new technologies and intelligent logistics concepts, coupled with the excellent qualifications and high motivation of our employees, form the basis for our customers’ success. We encourage knowledge, commitment and entrepreneurial responsibility in each individual employee. After all, only employees who are pillars of our company will design intelligent, efficient logistics solutions and processes that add value for customers. We care about the big picture – we look beyond our own horizons and we think outside the box without being constrained by geographical or disciplinary boundaries.

We acknowledge the economic, ecological and social impact of our actions. That’s why our commitment to a responsible corporate policy is not simply driven by a deep conviction – it’s something we live by daily. The “Matrium SPIRIT” of respect, loyalty and commitment to a common goal lays the foundation for our business success. The German “Mittelstand” – the mid-market sector of small to medium-sized enterprises – is our credo. We’re proud of who we are and this perception of ourselves also helps us stay ahead of the competition. Virtues like openness and dependability are the benchmarks for our actions in all internal and external relationships.

We keep our word – our customers know they can trust us.

We offer you professional and efficient spare parts logistics. Our longstanding customers in this business segment include companies from the engine construction, aviation, rail and electronics sectors.

Spare parts logistics – benefits for you at a glance:

  • No investment in warehouses or storage facilities
  • Fixed costs become variable costs
  • Staff with the right qualifications at your disposal
  • On request, we also arrange all ESI, general cargo or air and sea freight transports with access to low-cost freight rates
  • Improved liquidity through stock acquisition
Aufnahme des gesamten Lagers von oben
Stapler mit Paketen auf der Gabel

We offer you C-parts management made to measure. Our longstanding customers in this business segment include companies from the aviation, rail, engineering and electronics sectors.

80 percent of your logistics process costs are accounted for by C-parts.

When it comes to C-parts management, you currently have many different suppliers and distributors, a wide variety of items, small order volumes and very high costs for procurement.

We have the answer – benefits for you at a glance:

  • Lower process costs
  • Smaller inventories
  • Fewer suppliers
  • Reduced burden on your warehouse
  • Liquidity savings
Zwei Hände am kommissionieren
Lagermitarbeiter räumt eine Gitterbox ein.

We meet your production needs with the precision of a Swiss watch.

Our services:

  • Fixed costs become variable costs
  • All the necessary storage space at your disposal
  • Personnel capacity adapted to your requirements
  • Incoming goods and quality inspections
  • Warehousing (block, high bay, cantilever racking, shelf storage)
  • Picking 
  • KANBAN supply directly to your production line
  • Preparation of packaging material
  • Formation of packaging sets
  • JIT (just in time) delivery
  • JIS (just in sequence) delivery

Our longstanding customers in this business segment include companies from the aerospace, defence, automotive and electronics manufacturing sectors.


Frau ist in der Produktion uns verpackt ein Paket

We store your finished products at one of our logistics centres and ensure reliable, on-time delivery to your customers.

Our services:

  • Transfer directly from your production line or your supplier
  • Warehousing made to measure
  • Picking
  • Pick & pack
  • Packing 
  • Packaging optimisation
  • Handover to your forwarding provider
  • Arrangement of all transports worldwide on request
  • Fixed costs become variable costs
  • All the necessary storage space at your disposal
  • Personnel capacity adapted to your requirements

Our longstanding customers in this business segment include companies from the aerospace, defence, automotive and retail sectors.


If you wish, we can also take care of your in-house logistics or operate your logistics at one of our logistics centres.

Our longstanding customers in this business segment include companies from the automotive, engineering and retail sectors.

Inventory control – benefits for you at a glance:

  • Fixed costs become variable costs
  • Extra space for your production
  • Customised warehouse management software with a permanent inventory method
  • Flows of material and information are always synchronised
  • Logistics is one of our core competencies
  • Optional integration of your employees in accordance with Section 613a of the German Civil Code
Eine Frau kommissioniert ein Teil

We take care of quality controls, reworking and sorting services on request at our logistics centres.

Our longstanding customers in this business segment include companies from the automotive, aerospace and defence sectors.

Quality controls – benefits for you at a glance:

  • Many years of experience and qualified staff
  • State-of-the-art inspection equipment (including ring-light magnifiers and stereo microscopes)
  • Continuous documentation & communication with you, your suppliers or your customers
  • Fixed costs become variable costs
  • Total flexibility – 365 days / 24 hours if required

Smooth and seamless logistics operations have a decisive influence on your business success.

We have many years of experience in the full supply chain. We will be happy to analyse, assess and advise on all supply chain issues.

And if our in-house capacity is not enough, we can call on our longstanding partner breitengrad° AG for assistance. 

Put us to the test – we look forward to helping you! Contact us